Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dungeon 23. Level 1. Rooms 8 thru 10. Theme: Death


Room 8.  Skull Masked Human Warriors (AC 2, HD 2 each, MV 6", Weapons: Sword or Ax). Perhaps guards for a death cult?  Number Appearing: HD = 1/3 of Total Party HD, round up.

Room 9. 
Creatures enter thru two secret doors. 

Spiders from the north (1 HD each).  Poison bite. Save or die. 

An NPC enchanter from the south.  Enchanter Menryssa the Curt
Human Female Lawful MU lvl 7, S:6 I:12 W:10 C:11 D:18 X:15 Hit Dice: 4 HP:13 AC:9 
spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Protection/Evil, Read Languages
Continual Light, Detect Evil, Phantasmal Forces
Fly, Lightning Bolt
She is on a secret mission to destroy the death cult.

North door is a one-way magic door. Enter and roll 1d6. Activate covered pit trap on a 1 or a 2. 10’ deep. Skeleton on the floor. Probably human. Not undead.  

Room10. Empty

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dungeon 23. Level 1. Room 6 & 7

Room 6.  Empty, but you get the prickly sensation that this place is "ancient".

Room 7. Empty

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dungeon 23. Level 1. Room 4. Theme: "Ancient"

For this one I rolled an "Unusual Shape". This is a "trapezoidal" room with another secret door and 3 dungeon door exits.  

4. Contents: One piece of jewelry.  "Ancient" of course.  Hidden a long time ago?  Likely.  

Monday, January 2, 2023

Wilderness 23. The Wizard Funk Hex Map Generator for Original D&D. 2 Pages.

 Hello mates!  Well, my Dungeon 23 post for the day was a bit boring.  But I am determined to keep it clean and not fudge any dice rolls unless absolutely necessary.  Today I give you my method for generating an outdoor adventure hex map.  It's still being tested.  Feel free to use it for your Original D&D creations.

Here is what I have created with it so far.  Not too bad I guess.  
3 villages and 1 monster lair that need to be populated.  I'm using five mile hexes for this one.  The numbers and letters can be adjusted in case the map grows into more pages.  Let's see what happens.  Until next time...Cheers!

Dungeon 23. Level 1. Room 2.

2. Empty


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dungeon 23. Level 1. Room 1.

    Happy New Year fellow Gamer Geeks and Fantastic Freaks!  Welcome to the Wizard Funk Blog's version of Dungeon 23.  This Dungeon will be generated from the first 3 booklets of D&D published in a small white box.  Level One involves the use of an article called "Special First Issue Feature: Solo Dungeon Adventures", published in the first issue of The Strategic Review, p. 3-5.  The dungeon generator contained therein can also be located in Volume One of The Best of The Dragon.  

Dungeon 23
Level 1
This Week's Theme: "Ancient"

Room 1.  Contents: Monster only. Kobolds (1/2HD).
    a. Stone steps go 50 feet up to surface entrance.
    b. Secret door.
    c. Secret door.
    d. Seccret door: A wandering monster comes in: Spider (1HD).
    e. Secret door: A wandering monster comes in: Giant Beetle (4HD).
    f. Dungeon door: closed. 
